Friday, April 3, 2009

Ovie and LeBron: Not as Cooley as We Thought

Dan Steinberg of the DC Sports Bog was there to witness the meeting of Alex Ovechkin and LeBron James, and when he Twittered about the meeting, my instincts to be a nosy blogger took over.

"@dcsportsbog The world hasn't exploded yet, so I take it the meeting wasn't as awesome as I thought it would be..."

his reply.

It was pretty close RT@ Capitalskremlin

Not only did the world not explode, but the DC sports stars failed to even align. Pretty close is overselling it.

I was imagining some rowdy photos, some joking around, maybe LeBron would teach Ovie a new dance or vice-versa. Then Ovie would try to enlist LeBron to join Eastern Motors and everything would come full circle.

Hell, I'm more disappointed that LeBron didn't try to teach Ovie how to travel crab dribble...

So what did we learn? Ovie meeting LeBron is not nearly as funny as Ovie hanging out with Chris Cooley.

Now if Arenas, Cooley and Ovechkin were all in the same room, then perhaps we'd have our world-shattering event. Maybe Ryan Zimmerman could join that group, maybe...if they don't lose 100 games this year.

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